5th Dimensional Healing

Everything you experience is a cosmic dance with your own connection to Source Energy.

that there’s more to life than what you experience through your physical senses? Perhaps you feel depths within yourself that you can’t seem to put into words. Do you sometimes feel different to others around you?

Have you ever had the feeling,

This was my own experience from a young age. I felt dimensions beyond the 3D physical world and perceived energy from a broad perspective. I had a knowing that there was much more to life beyond materialisation and as a child, I never spoke of this to anyone. In my late teens I had a passion to deeply explore the nature of reality and the multi-dimensional layers available from my human perspective. I was in my early 20’s when I experienced, on 3 separate occasions, spontaneous, out-of-body occurrences that lasted no more than 30 seconds. In those brief and profound moments, the veil between the physical world and the non-physical dimensions dissolved and I experienced what could only be described as euphoric wholeness. I expanded into everything and I was no-thing in each moment. Sensations of presence and divinity permeated my being and I had the realisation that my inner world was the accurate truth and the physical world was the dream. These experiences offered me a greater, more expanded perspective of how life as a human being on planet earth, can appear as being only 3D, when in fact, it’s a multifaceted, multi layered reality. Each one of us is journeying through life from a unique perspective and each one of us is a complete, whole, pure love universe.

“You’re a being of light with unique talents and gifts and I can assist you to uncover the limitless possibilities available.”

Suse Serenity

Work with me

  • Soul Frequency Reading

    A channelled, multi-dimensional reading and psychic healing.

  • Energy Reset Treatments

    Utilising techniques from Progressive Kinesiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Crystal Healing, Energy Reset specialises in resetting the energy field.

  • Combined Session

    Combine the sessions for a multi-layered healing experience. Please contact Suse for further information.

“Being your authentic self openly and freely, is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and others as that high vibration ripples outwards and affects the entire planet and beyond.”

Suse Serenity