It feels natural for me to be a messenger of divine love healing messages, an instrument of light & a psychic healer. It’s my soul purpose.

- Suse Serenity

Hi! I’m Suse.

From a young age, I’ve easily felt and sensed the intangible in life .. the unseen realms. In 2018, my channelling and psychic abilities really opened up and I worked with other channellers in the years following (I chose the very best!), to help me fine tune all of the subtleties. It’s amazing when you tune into the magic of life and see how we’re all here helping each other, in this colourful, engaging, 3D kaleidoscope. I believe we’re all here to enjoy, to love and make this world a higher vibrational place, through being our most authentic, natural selves.

I trust the power and divine love of Source Energy (Creator, God Source) and it’s because of my unwavering, direct connection that I no longer need others to understand me.

It’s empowering to be as solid as a mountain in my faith and I embrace and love all of my uniqueness. To me, that’s true freedom.

I feel fortunate to have had a natural, farm upbringing in rural Australia and my deep appreciation for the land and open spaces is still with me. It was a simple upbringing that grounded me and connected me deeply to earth. I’m blessed in this lifetime to be a mother and a grandmother and as a sensitive empath, I consciously surround myself with kind, caring family and friends.

I’m appreciative for all of the adventures and opportunities that I’ve had in my life and of course, because I’m in human form, I’ve also experienced the “mess”, loss, lows and many unexpected and uncomfortable twists and turns. It’s from these lessons, changes and growth and choosing to take the steps to heal myself along the way, that I’m able to help others navigate their own healing. I believe that everyone has the ability to heal any painful past experience, if they choose to.

I’ll always consider myself to be a student of life, continually evolving and becoming more of a higher dimensional expression.